Learn Positive Communication and Take a Co-Parenting Course

Learning how to write up an effective parenting plan can make you and your ex-spouse live quickly and effectively. If you want to have an excellent and effective parenting plan in place after the divorce process, follow these key points to make it happen. Some divorces end under unfavorable circumstances, and those circumstances can affect the way that you communicate with your ex-spouse post-divorce. To follow through with your goal of effective parent planning, you’ll need to set aside possible grudges or feuds you might have had during a divorce and be open to constant communication. If communication is a crucial issue with you and your ex-spouse, we’d recommenced seeking a co-parenting course that can assist you in communicating effectively. 


Inconsistency in the Parenting Plan Agreement

If you’re trying your absolute best to follow and abide by your current parenting plan and your co-parent is falling through on some aspects of your parenting plan, try to understand their reasons for inconsistency and have some flexibility. For example, at some point, after your divorce is settled and your time-share has been set, something along the lines of a botched pickup might happen. Being flexible for these instances will help in the long run and create a better environment for communication and alteration for your parenting plan if need be. Say, for example, that you want to spend a little more time with your kids on New Year’s Day or spend the whole day with them, but your co-parent has the day listed for themself. If you and your co-parent have a positive relationship, they might give you the time you request. In general, leave room for flexibility outside of your parenting agreement; it can simplify things between you and your co-parent.


Can I Be Too Flexible With My Parenting Plan?

Conversely, the worst thing you can do for yourself gives too much leeway within a co-parenting relationship. Letting your ex-spouse have too much control over your adjustability will make you more susceptible to losing or gaining too much time with your kids. Conflict can arise with this behavior and often leads to reworks in custody agreements and possible child support obligation alterations. 


Let Us Help You Out.

If you want to alter your child custody agreement, child support, or anything related to parenting plans for your divorce, Contact us at Genus Law firm, and we will get you the help you need. Our expert New Mexico Lawers will assist you every step of the way to assure you get the results you need.  


Anthony Spratley
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Experienced Divorce, Child Custody, and Guardianship Lawyer Serving Albuquerque and Beyond