Our attorney shares his many years of experience representing clients in New Mexico divorces in these interesting blogs. Read our posts to get the answers you need when filing for divorce or dealing with a custody issue. We cover a range of topics to help you stay informed.
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How to Afford an Albuquerque Divorce Without Going Broke!Divorce is an emotionally and financially trying process. If a person wants to control divorce costs, they should learn how to cope with the process.
How to Get the Custody You Want, Without Giving Away Everything"A Marriage Story" - Thinking about Albuquerque custody cases and the importance of good faith dealings between parents and creating solid custody agreements.
Mando, Baby Yoda, and New Mexico Kinship GuardianshipFind out what Mando and baby Yoda can teach us about Kinship guardianship in New Mexico.
5 Things That Can Ruin Your New Mexico DivorceOften times in Albuquerque divorces in an effort to cut corners and save costs, you will make decisions quickly that can ruin your divorce case.
How to Get the Holiday Timesharing You WantNew Mexico Joint custody can be hard sometimes, especially over the holidays. Find out how you can get the timeshare you want with your children from ABQs best Custody and Divorce Lawyer
3 Tips to Improving Your Child Custody AgreementLearn how to resolve your Albuquerque child custody issues as fast as possible! Great information from ABQs best Divorce and Custody Lawyer
What Antonio Brown's Meltdown can teach you about your Divorce or Custody Case.Find out how this professional football player's public meltdown applies to your Albuquerque divorce case.
Get Your Custody Case Resolved FasterDon't Waste Time and Money on Lengthy (and Costly) Custody Battles. Get the info you need to succeed in your Albuquerque custody case
Learn How to Stop Parental AlienationYou Should Have a Say in What Matters in Your Child’s Life
3 Things You Should Know If Your Ex Wants To Move Your Child Out of StateWhat to do if the other parent wants to relocate out of New Mexico With Your Child. Find out more about Fathers Rights in New Mexico
Military Retirement and Disability During a DivorceGet the help you need in your Military Divorce! Our Albuquerque Divorce Lawyers have years of experience working with Military Families, both as a JAG and a Civilian
Three Lessons I Learned at My Daughter's Soccer GameTeam sports can teach us a lot about life on and off the field. Find out what sports can teach you about your Albuquerque Divorce